Your Bowling Green & Synthetic Sports Accessory Shop

We are the innovators of ferrules and discs and specialise in bowlig green accessories and DIY synthetic carpet and turf servicing packs.

What is a Ferrule?

Ferrules are a stainless-steel product popular around the edges of bowling greens. They create a safe, sophisticated environment for your club whilst also assisting in clear play and movements. 

It also solves the ongoing problem of non-vertical rink markers and numbers. Many clubs come to us for a solution to this issue...well...we've solved it!

As a bonus, ferrules can be installed to maximise the directional play on your green.

If you have a green that can play North to South AND East to West...Ferrules are the safe, effective solution to effortlessly change the direction of play.

Ferrules ‘n’ More aims to provide our community and sporting club with safe and effective products to enhance longevity, maximise space and minimise risk. 

If you struggle to mark out rinks, having to paint on colours every time you play, rink markers and numbers falling over with the slightest knock or bit of wind then this product is for you.  

These Ferrules and their partner discs (optional) allow for: 

 * 4 different colours (red, yellow, blue and white), with custom colours available on request 

(please note there is an additional fee for custom colours). 

Coloured discs help players with rink movements to assist with wear spread rather than playing the same area over and over. This helps to extend the life of your green.

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How Do I Know How Many To Order?

Calculate Number of Rinks & Movements

Answer the following:

How many rinks do you have?

How many movements would you like per rink?

You will require 1 Ferrule and 1 Disc colour per movement per rink.

For example:

A 4 rink green would like 3 movements per rink.

4 x 3 = 12 ferrules plus 12 disc each end.

Total required is:

24 Ferrules & 24 Discs broken up into colours

8 Red discs
8 Blue discs
8 Yellow discs

Add Number of Rink Markers

Now consider if you would like to add a Ferrule to host your rink marker at each end of the green.

If you have a 4 rink bowling green, you have 2 additional rink markers at each end.

This makes a total of 4 Ferrules in addition to your rinks and movements.

To take our example from Step 1 - for a 4 rink bowling green you will now calculate:

24 Rink Ferrules + 4 Marker Ferrules = 28 Ferrules

Now add in your flag markers - 2m in from each corner - total of 4

28 + 4 = total 32 Ferrules


24 Coloured Discs

Calculate & Order

You now know exactly how many Ferrules and Discs you will need to install into your ditch walls.

Be sure to include any additional rinks for multi-directional play. You may want to just double your order.

We highly recommend you watch the INSTRUCTION & INSTALLATION VIDEO prior to confirming your order order if you are unsure of quantities.

If you are still unsure and need some assistance, email your bowling green mud map with rinks shown to and we will respond with an order quantity.

To make things easier for you, we have put together common purchase packs so all you need to know is the number of rinks and add any additional ferrules for other items such as corner flags for wind direction. We have provided you a single ferrule option to add extra ferrules should you require.

Happy shopping!



Neat and pleasing...improving the aesthetic of your bowling green

Your Solution to Vertical Markers & Numbers



Staff, signage, playing surface, equipment.


Facilitate signage and equipment in areas they never thought possible. 


Avoid risks created from tripping hazards from sandbags.


All online, email receipt/invoice, only a box for packaging, all marketing online no collateral