Ferrules and discs provide easy location and relocation for rink markers and numbers
Ferrules are a stainless-steel product popular around the edges of bowling greens. They create a safe, sophisticated
environment for your club whilst also assisting in clear play and movements.

Why use Ferrules?
Ferrules solve the ongoing problem of non-vertical rink markers and numbers. Many clubs come to us for a solution to this issue...well...we've solved it!
As a bonus, ferrules can be installed to maximise the directional play on your green.
If you have a green that can play North to South AND East to West...Ferrules are the safe, effective solution to effortlessly change the direction of play.
Ferrules ‘n’ More aims to provide our community and sporting club with safe and effective products to enhance longevity, maximise space and minimise risk.
If you struggle to mark out rinks, having to paint on colours every time you play, rink markers and numbers falling over with the slightest knock or bit of wind then this product is for you.
These Ferrules and their partner discs (optional) allow for:
* 4 different colours (red, yellow, blue and white), with custom colours available on request
(please note there is an additional fee for custom colours).
Coloured discs help players with rink movements to assist with wear spread rather than playing the same area over and over. This helps to extend the life of your green.
Facilitating Safe and Sophisticated Environments
Ferrules ‘n’ More aims to provide our community and sporting club with safe and effective products to enhance longevity, maximise space and minimise risk. If you struggle to mark out rinks, having to paint on colours every time you play, rink markers and numbers falling over with the slightest knock or bit of wind then this product is for you.